
10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Labor

symtoms of labor

10 Early Signs and Symptoms of Labor


Many symptoms of labor occur for a pregnant woman and indicate that the birth will be within a few days or weeks.

And when the symptoms of labor appear, you must prepare to receive your newborn and we will show you in this article the most important signs of childbirth that you can be exposed to.

There are two stages of labor or delivery:
Early and active stage, each of which has distinctive signs.
In the early stage, there are clear signs that appear for most mothers. The mother’s body begins preparing for delivery weeks and sometimes days before it. These signs include:

Symptoms of labor in the early stage :

  • A feeling of Lightening :

Pregnant women feel that they can breathe as easily and freely as they were before pregnancy, and this occurs because the fetus descends into the pelvis.
This the pressure on the diaphragm decreases and the difficulty disappears during breathing.
Likewise, pressure on the bladder occurs after the fetus descends into the pelvis, so the number of urination times increases, and you urinate more often than before.

  • Cervical dilation :

Dilation of the cervix, in the few days and weeks before labor the cervix begins to widen gradually, to prepare for the birth and exit of the fetus.

  • Thinning of the cervix :

Before labor when labor begins, the cervix softens, shortens, and softens (cervical erosion).
You may feel uncomfortable, but irregularly, or painful cramps or you may not feel anything at all.

  • Back pain:

When the birth date approaches, you feel more pain in the lower back and thighs.
Also, the muscles and joints begin to expand and take different positions in preparation for giving birth.

  • Diarrhea :

Usually, this symptom is very annoying to the mother, but it is normal as a result of relaxing bowel movement to prepare for childbirth.
And remember this symptom well as it is a distinctive sign of childbirth.

  • More fatigue and exhaustion :

In the last stages of pregnancy, with the approaching of birth, sleep will decrease and it becomes very difficult to sleep for continuous hours with all the other symptoms such as frequent urination, fetal descent to the bottom, and back pain.
So at every opportunity you can sleep in it, do not deteriorate and leave your body room to rest, so you need rest, energy and relaxation.

  • Increased need to urinate :

Going down a child’s head in the pelvis increases pressure on the bladder, causing an increased need for urination.
The pregnant woman also notes an improvement in breathing due to a decrease in pressure on the diaphragm by the fetus.

Symptoms of labor in the active stage:

  • Strong and regular contractions :

As the end of pregnancy approaches, uterine contractions begin to move the fetus to a lower position in the birth canal.
In the end, contractions help push the child out.
Childbirth involves regular and intense contractions that become closer to 5 minutes for more than an hour or two, and contractions usually begin in the back and then come forward.
If a pregnant woman suffers from more than 6 contractions every hour and becomes stronger and at regular intervals, you should go to the hospital immediately for the possibility of the child coming at any time.

  • Rupture Of Membrane :

Premature rupture of membranes (PROM), or pre-labor rupture of membranes, is a condition that can occur during pregnancy.
It is defined as the rupture of membranes (fracture of the amniotic sac), which is usually called the fracture of the mother’s water (water), more than one hour before labor begins.
The cyst (consisting of 2 membranes, the chorion, and amniocentesis) contains amniotic fluid, which surrounds and protects the fetus in the womb (uterus). After the rupture, the amniotic fluid leaks from the uterus through the vagina.
Stop gaining weight or even losing some weight, and this is normal and does not negatively affect the weight or health of the fetus.

  • The mark Bloody Show :

They are mucous vaginal secretions mixed with thin blood strands coming out of the cervix, and throughout the pregnancy, there is a thick mucus plug at the opening of the cervix that prevents any bacteria entering the uterus through the opening of the cervix.
Before birth and with the relaxation of the cervix, this mucous plug comes out of the vagina in the form of mucous lines or thickened secretions, and is red or mixed with fine blood strands, and appears before the beginning of birth either within minutes, hours or a few days, and some women do not notice this sign of birth.


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